CO2 Free
How can this solution help?
Active Kinetic 1 can operate on 100% renewable energy reducing the use of carbon fuels.
The mechanism is highly efficient at converting electricity from movement opening the doors to new renewable technology from untapped resources.
Additionally the motion energy mechanism will recycle wasted energy in carbon producing systems.
This will contribute massively to the reduction of carbon dioxide, green house gases and water vapour produced for current energy production.
Why is CO2 a problem?
Scientific tests confirm burning fossil fuel creates CO2 emission. The carbon in the atmosphere causes global warming which results in atmospheric weather cycle changes. The melting of permafrost in Artic environments is evident and releasing even more Methane and CO2.
Greenhouse Gases
A Methane is major contributor which along with chlorofluorocarbons and other greenhouse gases ultimately leads exacerbate global climate change.
What makes the technology different?
No CO2 emissions, No toxic chemicals or lubricants required for the technology to operate.
The motion energy technology is capable of accessing forms of renewable energy currently inaccessible and more efficiently than accomplished with the current technologies.
The technology can be manufactured with 100% recycled materials further reducing waste and the carbon footprint.
Active Kinetic 1 is among the youngest kinetic energy technologies invented in 2021, the new motion energy technology has also been successfully tested to conserve and reduce energy loss.
The technology easily qualify as Zero energy devices and strengthen the worlds control of personal and portable CO2 free electricity.