Energy bills are increasing due to various factors, but the most important is the investment in supply. Companies and institutions hardest hit by the increasing cost of energy are likely to consider alternative energy supply as a major topic when considering budgets for 2022/23.
The time has come for many to reconsider energy supplies from the grid and start considering investments in renewables energy systems, as most can support new energy saving heat pumps and electric charging points.
Global investment drive in Energy has begun
These are not only great signs for the investors of new energy technology, but great indicators to those designing the systems of the future to overcome the current obstacles.
Although change is underway the costs to produce energy on a vast scale will have its challenges as currently renewable systems uptime will be affected by factors such as weather, storage and connecting the remote power source to the national grids.
The Solution?
Active Kinetic 1 has technology that can assist in making and creating +10% more energy than the current systems. This process is potentially possible on 55% of all electrical energy produced today.
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