sun flare

2025 Preparation

Preparing for 2025 Solar Flares Scientists have discovered a pattern of orbital cycles between the Sun and Earth that threaten the planet electrical items and electrical supplies, with the potential of blackouts lasting years.. On a solar flare cycle mapped to occur about 2025, solar flares might be in alignment
Clean energy and Fusion

Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear Fusion Most scientists agree that Nuclear Fusion can provide huge amounts of energy by fusing atoms. @media screen and (min-width:768px){.stk-597c8e2{flex:1 1 calc(33.3% - var(--stk-column-gap,0px) * 1 / 2 ) !important}} USING ENERGY There are many methods to create fusion and R&D has cost billions of pounds. We can now
alternative to oil


Thanks to all attendees to the online event IF NOT OIL? (8th October 2022) The event aimed to investigate the issues relating to the Fossil Fuel Industry to provide early explorers an insight into the issues faced and some insight and predictions of future energies. The event shared valuable, informative
Energy charts 2010, 2022, 2030

Energy Demands and Spikes Underestimated

Further to an energy usage study undertaken by Active Kinetic 1, evidence suggests that energy demands might be grossly miscalculated in previously predicted reports. The future predictions seem to underestimate growth caused by climate change. A rapidly growing user population, an increased demand for high consumption devices such as air-conditioning;
Wind Turbine Strike Bird

Wind Turbines hit by 4 million Birds per year?

Do wind farms at sea hide or reveal the ugly truth? During research of Active Kinetic 1 wind technology the unearthing of data regarding bird culling is concerning. The images below show the tracked path of seals that regularly visit the wind turbines. @media screen and (min-width:768px){.stk-fbbb966{flex:1 1 calc(57.8% -