Newton’s Cradle

Newton’s Cradle Explanation

Newton’s cradle is a device that demonstrates the principles of conservation of momentum and energy through a series of swinging and colliding spheres (balls).  In the magnetic cradle there is no physical collision, instead the magnetic poles repel each other.

How a newton’S cradle workS?
Typically it consists of 5 identical metal balls suspended by strings inline. When one ball is lifted from the end and released, it strikes the remaining 4 stationary balls, the collision transfers momentum through the line of 4 balls.
On the opposite end of the 4 balls an almost identical force and speed causes the outer end ball to swing upward, while the other 4 balls remain inline.
The outer ball swings upwards then repeats the process in reverse, creating a loop of conserved momentum. 


Why a Newton’s Cradle stop swinging?
During each swing cycle, small amounts of friction convert the energy into heat and sound, gradually reducing the momentum until motion ceases. In the magnetic cradle, the absence of physical collisions minimizes friction and energy loss, allowing the system to conserve momentum and sustain motion for a longer duration. 
 More About Newton’s Cradle
Newton’s Cradle Model
Designed by French scientist Edme Mariotte in the 1670’s
Newton’s Cradle Pendulum
Adiabatic harmonic oscillator using a series of elastic collisions.
Newton’s Cradle Invented

In 1967 Simon Prebble invented the current model of the Newton’s cradle.

Newton’s Cradle Balls

Demonstrates the conservation of energy, momentum, and friction as a result of collision.

Newton’s Cradle Balance Balls
Inline suspended on a v-shaped pendulum strings.
Newton’s Cradle Tricks
The exchange of potential and kinetic energy in a Newton’s cradle is a result of harmonic motion enabling various patterns and tricks.
